Accessibility Notice
Chop Stop Inc. uses its best efforts to maintain the usability and accessibility of its restaurant website for all users, including those with disabilities. Our efforts to improve digital usability and accessibility are guided by the relevant portions of the web content accessibility guidelines 2.0, level AA and other existing recommendations. Our efforts are ongoing and are tested on a periodic basis. If you are a user with a disability, or an individual assisting a user with a disability, and have difficulty accessing or navigating our site, please contact us at [email protected]. In your message, please provide your contact information, the url where you experienced difficulty, and a brief description of the problem you encountered, including the type of assistive technology you were using when you experienced difficulty. The accessibility email address should only be used for accessibility-related issues facing users with disabilities or those who assist them. This email address is monitored by our accessibility team who are not equipped to review or respond to inquiries unrelated to digital accessibility. For all other feedback and inquiries, please email [email protected].
Thank you.